60 degrees, rain when its least convenient.
Today, I received my first cool piece of mail. I have been getting A LOT a junk mail in my mailbox since I arrived BUT today I got a very important envelope.
Yes yes. Its true. I am now a card carrying member of the Danish Welfare State!
(Glamour shot!)
But, there you have it. This little beauty "covers expenditures for acute medical treatment under the Danish Health Act during periods of vacation".
I also like the last sentence "In the event of serious illness or death please contact ..."
oh no problem I will be sure to call IF I DIE.
I can also use this card to get into local libraries. Neat-O.
vi ses,
This reminds me of an international ID card notoriously confiscated by the ridiculous bouncers of horrible establishment in a small town with a horrible university bearing the same name. Yes, by the way are you in fact an EU citizen yet? And, were the slippers worn by one extremely tall gentleman too much? In retrospect, I think so.