Monday, September 6, 2010

Dinner Club

60 degrees, sunny

Today was the first night of dinner club with my Danish hall mates.  Dinner club meets four times a week and everyone rotates through cooking.  I have a few weeks to figure out what I am going to make.  Up until now I have been eating a lot of eggs on toast, salad, and pesto pasta for dinner...yikes.  Tonight was a wonderful change of pace.  The menu? Bacon Pie.  Alright!  The food was good but it was even nicer to spend time talking and laughing with this unlikely group of people.  I forgot how much I miss sitting down to a dinner table and relaxing.

At the end of the meal everyone gathers around the table to decide who will do the dishes.  I must say, they have a great system for choosing. Everyone  rolls dice.  If you roll a six you are free from cleanup duty.  You keep rolling and passing until there are only three people left.  Four, four, four, four, four.  Yahtzee! Unfortunately, that didn't get me out of cleanup.

Vi ses (we'll see each other later),


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