Monday, August 23, 2010


Copenhagen, DK
Weather: 68 degrees and raining

Day two in Copenhagen (Københaven) and im still feeling like a super rookie.  But I have figured out the important things like how to get to school, how to work my phone, and never to leave the dorm without a raincoat or umbrella and preferably both.  Rain the first day here- bad luck.  Heavy rain today- storm system? shed a little light on the situation for me - its going to rain allll week. Bummer Al.
Despite the weather, Copenhagen is beautiful. Beautiful and extremely efficient.  All things transportation are easy to use, time efficient, and well maintained.  The metro is so easy that even I haven't gotten lost yet.  
National Museum of Denmark.
But the thing I like most about the city so far is the way the old blends seamlessly with the new.  This is most obvious in the architecture- old stone buildings abutting the most modern buildings of steel and glass.  Not only are old and new next to each other but they also exist in a single building.  Today I went to the National Museum of Denmark (Nationailmuseet) to sign up for activities, clubs, etc.  The museum is a massive stone building overlooking a canal and on the inside it is very modern.

(apologies that there is no picture of the outside but it was RAINING and I didn't want the camera to get wet)

This seems to reflects the efficiency that the Danes bring to most aspects of their lives.  Why build an entirely new building when you can renovate and appreciate an already existing one?  Why create a separate space in the bathroom for a shower when the whole bathroom can be the shower if you just push a nob? Don't think outside the box unless you are going to put that creative idea back in the box to make it cooler.

There is so much to learn here I don't even know where to begin.  And luckily I don't have to look very hard to do it.  This morning I went to a café/bakery for some breakfast and asked for an egg sandwich with bacon and cheese.  The man behind the counter nodded vigorously and began preparing what I hoped to be hot, melted, and delicious.  I am excited for the day Danes learn how to make this breakfast sandwich because it will blow their minds way more than the hard-boiled egg, lettuce, bacon, and dressing sandwich I got.  Don't get me wrong they make a mean egg, lettuce, bacon (an elb if you will) and it made for a lovely breakfast.  But it wasn't quite the same somehow.  Another highlight of the meal was the marching band that passed right by our table.  The muscians/soldiers wore tall fur hats, blue uniforms with shinny silver buttons and either carried instruments, swords, or automatic weapons which were all equally as shinny.

I'm off for now



  1. you mispelled hey, i think denmark in making you dumber...

    just kidding! have you met kelsey??

  2. Hi Al,
    Glad to hear your exploring the city, making your way around and getting settled in. Take lots of pictures - whenever it stops raining!
